
My services include rapid transformational therapy (RTT), soul-centered healing, sai shakti -energy healing, spiritual coaching, and business coaching.


What is RTT?

Rapid Transformational Therapy™ (RTT) is
a super transformative therapy method that
contains the best aspects of hypnosis,
hypnotherapy, neurolinguistic programming
(NLP) and cognitive behavioral therapy
(CBT). With RTT you can access the subconscious mind to find the real root causes of your problem.

It allows you to change old beliefs and outdated subconscious patterns to create permanent changes in your life – how you feel, think and behave, and how you see yourself and others.

RTT was developed by a world-renowned therapist Marisa Peer, who has fine-tuned this method already for more than 30 years.

rapid transformational therapy, burnout-ekspertti, RTT

A life-changing Rapid Transformational Therapy session

Step 1

The call of inner wisdom

Together we map out the change you want


Step 2


 I will gently guide you into a deep meditative state of relaxation, bypassing your conscious mind and entering your subconscious. Your subconscious contains everything,

your memories, your belief systems, your childhood conditioning and all your unresolved pain.


Step 3



Then I gently guide you back to the scenes that are fully connected to how your underlying deeper beliefs guide the present moment –  your behavior or how they produce pain. We revisit scenes, memories, or emotions that have a connection to your current problem, giving you insight into how this programming or belief is currently playing out in your life and causing the problem.


Step 4



We work together to understand the meaning, to eliminate any old irrational beliefs or programs that keep you stuck. We heal together your wounded inner child, we heal your past hurt, you have a greater understanding than ever before. Understanding is the most important step in your healing journey.


Step 5



We reinforce your new beliefs and programming using intuitive, customized transformation audio that aligns with what you really want.

We will give you this recording that you can listen to for the next 28 days. Your mind learns from repetition and installs these new positive suggestions to your

neural pathways to become your new reality.

soul-centered-healing, spiritual hypnotherapist, sielutasoinen terapia

What is Soul-Centered Healing?

Soul-Centered Healing (SCH) is a hypnotherapeutic approach that recognizes human dimensions other than physical, emotional and psychological. Using hypnosis, SCH can help a person identify and resolve sources of pain, conflict, or confusion that operate at these levels outside of ordinary awareness.

The goal of Soul-Centered Healing is to help a person become clear, centered, and confident in the present. Healing occurs through a process of identifying and resolving the unconscious sources of pain and conflict, whether they originate from within a person’s own inner world or from without.

 “Talk therapy” often cannot reach these levels due to internal barriers and ego defenses. These ego parts protect the conscious self from the past pain and trauma that resides within. These defenses work so automatically, so seamlessly, that we usually don’t catch them unless we know how to look for the right things.

Soul-Centered Healing recognizes these defenses. It recognizes that every human being has an energetic, psychic and spiritual dimension. SCH also recognizes that phenomena, conditions, entities and energies operate at these levels, which can cause someone emotional and psychological suffering. Using specific methods and protocols, soul-centered healing helps a person access these levels and work on them to heal.

SCH was developed by Dr. Thomas Zinser, who has worked as a therapist in the USA for over 30 years.

Read more:

About Eeva:

life-coach, henkinen valmennus, itsevarmuus, self-confidence, henkinen kasvu

Spiritual & mental coaching

Coaching aimed at self-knowledge, self-confidence, mental and spiritual well-being and growth.

In spiritual coaching, we aim for connection with ourselves and others, change, authenticity, spiritual growth, meaning, courage, clarity, direction, a life according to our values.

We can focus on whatever challenge you want. If you don’t even know what you want, or the challenge is vague, don’t worry. Let’s clear this up first.

The process is a goal-oriented conversational process at a conscious level, which I tailor according to the customer’s needs.

First, we map where you need support, help, change, mirroring. Then we work through the agreed number of meetings, discussing and doing different tasks that fit the goal and pace.

bisnesvalmentaja, kasvu, kannattavuus, online-business

Sai-shakti energy healing

You are welcome to experience the rejuvenating deep healing channels of the ancient Indian healing masters. Sai shakti-energy healing is a powerful and beautiful healing method that has been used for thousands of years by the greatest healers who ever lived on the planet.

This knowledge was transferred to the West by a miracle making modern day saint Sri Swami Kaleshwar around the change of the millennium. Sri Kaleshwar, among many other things, gave detailed instructions on how to awaken the creation energy to purify the mind, body and soul.

I have studied intensively with a master healer and teacher Alx Utterman from Los Angeles who spent years in India studying with Sri Swami Kaleshwar.

The healing method goes back 7000 years and is based on the greatest healing truth.

That is love.

Book a free consultation call

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